


What do I do to improve my English skills?

Although I told you in the other article before, I am writing articles and diaries in English to improve my English writing skill. And today, I'll show you what I do to make my English better besides them. First, I try to learn new words w…

Why am I writing articles only in English?

Since one day, I suddenly came to write articles only in English. Some people may think WHY? I will answer the question today. The answer is simple. It's to improve my English skills. I was debating if I should have made an article on this…

What makes Japanese so difficult

Some people say Japanese is one of the most difficult languages. I agree with it. First, unlike English, there are three kinds of character types, Kanji(漢字), Hiragana(ひらがな), and Katakana(カタカナ). That's a difficult point. We had to…

My favorite Youtuber

Recently, I have a lot of spare time cause I'm not going to school, so I devote most of my time watching Youtube. Today, I will introduce my favorite Youtube channel, "Kevin's English Room / 掛山ケビ志郎" !! This channel is really fun. On …

2018, New York

2018年、長期休みにニューヨークへいったときの写真を紹介します。 まずこれです。 自由の女神 アメリカと言えばこの自由の象徴、Statue of Liberty です。 像が緑っぽく見えているのは表面の銅が酸化しているためで、もともとは茶色だったと説明に書いてあ…


私、2歳から12歳の十年間、フィギュアスケートをやっていたのでその時の話をしたいと思います。 趣味ではなく、試合に出たりするガチな方だったので大変でした。 どんな生活かというと、朝練のある日は学校に行く前に朝の5時半から1時間くらい滑り、学校にい…