

Why am I writing articles only in English?

  Since one day, I suddenly came to write articles only in English.  Some people may think WHY?  I will answer the question today.

  The answer is simple.  It's to improve my English skills.  I was debating if I should have made an article on this topic because there were not so many things I would say, but I did 'cause I have a spare time now haha.

  There are a lot of good points in writing only in English.  First, I can get to know words or how to say that I didn't know by looking up a dictionary.  Second, by keeping on writing in English, I can come up with what I want to say one after another.  I came to be able to come to mind English sooner than before.  I'm feeling the progress.  

  Yeah, feeling the progress is important.  It's gonna be my motivation.  If you are also studying any language, I'll recommend writing articles only in the language.
