

"Titanic", the movie for the first time

(☆This article includes spoilers, so visit the article again after watching Titanic if you care about spoilers.)

  The other day, I saw "Titanic" for the first time in my life.  Frankly, It was wonderful and heartbreaking.  To be honest, at first, I kept avoiding this movie because it was so famous.  I have this bad habit of avoiding popular movies for no particular reason.  However my mother recommended Titanic strongly, so I decided to see it.

  First, the famous scene that Jack held Rose at the nose of the ship, was so beautiful but that didn't make me cry.  What made me cry was the scene that the music band decided to play their instruments till the end, the scene the designer of Titanic would decide to remain in the ship, the scene Jack sank in the sea, and the last scene the photo of Rose and horse was shown the screen!!  I was very moved, so I was dazed(放心状態) after watching this movie.

  I learned from Titanic, the one important thing was not money or class, but love.  And I also learned that I should watch famous movies without avoiding them.  They are not just famous.  They are famous because they are worth watching, I think.

  That's all today, thank you!