


The movie "A.I."

(☆This article includes spoilers, so come back again after watching "A.I." if you care about spoilers.) The other day, I watched A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) the movie and I was extremely moved, so I'll tell you about that. First, Gigolo…

"Titanic", the movie for the first time

(☆This article includes spoilers, so visit the article again after watching Titanic if you care about spoilers.) The other day, I saw "Titanic" for the first time in my life. Frankly, It was wonderful and heartbreaking. To be honest, at fi…


今回はインド映画、ボリウッドの『きっと、うまくいく』を浅く紹介したいと思います。 原題は『3idiots』と言います。 正直最初は全く期待してませんでした。インド映画も見たことないし、ボリウッドといったら踊りばっかりで中身はないのかなと思ってまし…